Gavin and Cooper

Friday, September 05, 2008

Trying to get back into the blogging world

We hope this finds you all doing well! First of all, if you don't know already, Eric and I are expecting a new baby February 14, 2009! Several of you have asked about us updating the blog and to tell you the truth, I feel like I have been slowly emerging out of a hole with this pregnancy. It has definately been a more tired and nauseous pregnancy. But, since I am emerging, I am going to TRY to get better about updating the blog. There is way to much to catch up on from our last blog from December of 2007, so I am just going to start with the current events of the Johnson Family. In order to keep up with the blog, I will be unable to journal as much as I used too, but hopefully I can try to keep up in touch with those that we don't get to see very often.

If you can even believe it, Gavin started Kindergarten this year. He is going to Forest Hills Elementary and he loves it! His teacher is Mrs. Bland and she is precious. We are looking forward to a great year. But, hard to believe my baby is in big school.

This is Gavin after his first football practice. It had been raining and it was very muddy. He had a ball. He is playing Upward Football with Highland Baptist Church here in Florence.

My brother Jeremy gave Cooper his first hair trim in May, but this was his official trip to get his haircut at a Barber shop. I was not sure how Cooper would do, but he did awesome. I couldn't believe it. He was laughing and smiling most of the time. I can't believe he will be 2 in November!!

Cooper also started to dayschool at First United Methodist DaySchool. He goes 3 days a week from 9am to 1pm. This is the same school that Gavin went to since he was 1 and Cooper actually has Gavin's same teachers. They are absolutely wonderful!

We had our annual Labor Day Beach Trip in Destin this year, in spite of Gustav. We were worried that we wouldn't be able to go or we would have to come back early. But, as you can see in the pictures, it was gorgeous. Our 4 families that have gone on this trip the past 5 years, have grown by leaps and bounds. It is so much fun to watch the boys interact with these friends who have become like family to us.

In the above picture is Kirk Smitherman, Samuel and Mattie (on the end) Lyles, Caleb and Anna Kate Mahan and Gavin and Cooper

Eric and Gavin catching some waves

Cooper has never been much for rocking or cuddling until the past month. And if you can believe, I rocked him to sleep on the beach. Of course, he was worn out, but combine that with the awesome breeze and a little singing from mama and he was out. Nothing more peaceful than a sleeping baby on the beach.

Stay tuned because this coming up Tuesday, the 9th, we will find out what we are having and we will post it on the blog........


Blogger Charity said...

Great pics! Glad you are coming back to the bloggy world. I TOTALLY know how hard it is to keep the blog thing rolling...i am not doing a very good job either!

CAN'T WAIT to find out what you are having!! I talked to Laura last night at the Shoals football game...she told me you were going on Tuesday!

I hate you have been so sick...I can relate. Whew!

Hope y'all have a fun weekend!

10:06 AM  

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