Gavin and Cooper

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Two Boys=Two times the Joy

It has been another busy couple of months for the Johnson Family. Here is a recap of all that has taken place.

-Gavin is playing his very first sport-Soccer. The first game was the day before Easter and it was FREEZING! He was so excited to be out there, until the opposing team's coach backed over him and knocked him down. Well, you could forget it then. It took him about 2 weeks before he would get back out there to play. I think he was embarassed more than anything. Here are a few pictures from that first game.

-After the Soccer game, we had Caleb and Kirks' birthday party at the Children's Museum and then it was off to church for an Easter Egg Hunt. Then fun dying eggs with Aunt Lulu and Uncle Pher Pher. So, it was a very busy day. Not to mention a very cold day. I think we wore Pop and Grammie out!!!! Here are a few more pics from that day.

Easter Day

I love it! What a face! Okay, you don't have to be a bunny!!

-My partner Laura found out that she is having a GIRL--Anna Kathleen Mahan. She will be called Anna Kate. We are so excited!! Finally, I get to buy some pink!

-I took off a week to be with Gavin during his Spring Break from dayschool. We had a great week! We stayed at the Marriott here in Florence 2 nights and then we went to Birmingham for the weekend. Gavin went swimming in the indoor pool and it was so neat to see him jump right in. The progression from summer to summer of how comfortable he is with the water has been neat to watch. Last summer, he was timid at the beginning, but by the end, he was jumping right in. And this summer, he started with jumping in. He really gets around well with his swimmy vest on. Cooper also got in the water in a little float and he loved it. He didn't know what to think of it at first, but then he started splashing and giggling which let us know that he liked it. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of them actually in the pool. This is a little difficult when you are trying to manage two. In Birmingham, we went to the zoo and it was alot of fun. It turned out to be a perfect zoo day. Gavin got to hang out with his buddies Kirk and Caleb, so he had a blast. Daddy enjoyed playing golf with some of his buddies.

Caleb, me and Kirk

Gavin's famous lion roar--it really is hilarious and very big sounding for such a little guy!

Just hanging out with the monkeys.

Cooper lovin'

-We had some new floors put in our house downstairs and that has been our biggest ordeal. What we thought was going to take a week actually took 3 weeks. The only hard part was getting our laundry done. But, it was well worth the inconvience and wait--it is beautiful and we are getting settled back in!

-Lesson I learned last week: Never say "My boys have been so healthy this winter". I might as well go ahead and schedule an appointment with the pediatrician. Gavin got pink eye 2 days after making this comment. Then passed it to Cooper. Two days later, Cooper was diagnosed with his first ear infection. So he was put on Augmentin. And then Gavin started a fever a couple days later. He had strep throat and was put on Amoxicillin, which he doesn't seem to mind because he loves the bubble gum flavor. Then I got Strep. So it has been exciting!! Please say a prayer that we can be healthy again for a while :) Next time I will say, "THANK YOU GOD THAT MY BOYS HAVEN'T BEEN SICK!!"

-Cooper is now 6 months old (as of May 10th)! Can you even stand it? And it was almost the day of that he started sitting up by himself. He continues to be such a joy! He is so laid back and easy going. I call him Mr. Low-maintainence. I don't know why God blessed me with him, but I am incredibly thankful! It has truly been a joy to watch he and Gavin bond so well already.

Our sweet Ann!

Gavin's game last week. He scored his first Goal!!! Yeah Gavin!

Toe Touch!!!! Go Gavin--kick that ball!!

Sweet picture of Cooper and Laura at Gavin's soccer game.

Samuel and Caleb were so cute. They were yelling "Go Gavin. Kick the ball!" It was precious!

-This morning we went to get our car washed by the World Changers at church. Gavin decided he would pitch in. He had a great time with the water hose!

-Prayer Request: Lindsey, Eric's sister, is having surgery this Thursday, May 17th. Pray that all goes well and that God will guide the surgeons during the surgery. And that she will have a quick and easy recovery.

Upcoming Events:

-Cooper's baby dedication is next Sunday, May 20th. We will post pictures as soon as possible!
-Eric's 30th Birthday May 31st!!

Hope all you moms have a Happy Mother's Day!