Gavin and Cooper

Friday, July 20, 2007

Summer Fun

After much anticipation, here goes a big update on what the Johnson family has been up to these past two months.

For starters, Cooper was dedicated on May 20th. It was a sweet time as we dedicated him to the Lord and dedicated ourselves to raise him in a Godly home. This is a huge commitment and we don't take it lightly. It is difficult to find the words that express how grateful we are to have been blessed with another miracle. What an awesome expression of God's love!!! Please pray with us that we will be the best example of Christ that we can be to Gavin and Cooper each and everyday. This is especially important given the time that we are living in. Lately, I find myself consumed with grief over the number of murders and death I see on television everyday. Satan is alive and well and it is so important to be on guard against him. It makes our commitment as parents an even greater task! Please pray for ALL the parents in the world that they will see the importance of their role in rasing the next generation by placing Christ in the center of their homes.

Here are some pictures of Cooper's big day:

Papa and Mimi

Gavin's end of the year program at school was so precious! They sang different songs, but the ones that got me was the theme song from the Curious George movie "Upside Down" and the newer version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". It was so sweet! Gavin had a great year with Ms. Cathy and Miss Samantha. We will miss them! Next year, he will the in Pre-K (CRAZY!!!!) and he will go everyday from 8-2:30. Pretty much like being in Kindergarten. We have heard amazing things about his teachers next year, so I think it will be another great year. He sure has enjoyed his summer break though. He and Cooper have gotten lots of brother bonding time and that has been neat to see. He loves that brother!

Here are some pictures from his program:

Here he is with his best bud Michael-taking after his daddy!

We took a little family vacation to Nashville to celebrate Eric's 30th birthday May 26-28. We stayed at the Opryland Hotel for 2 nights. We had a very relaxing time. Eric went when he was young, but I had never gone, so it was neat checking it out! We ate at the Rainforest Cafe with my cousin Kimberly and her fiance Josh. It was a great time! For those who have never been to this restaurant, it is like eating in the rainforest. There are frequent showers and all the animals around the room go crazy-gorillas, elephants, etc. It is alot of fun-Gavin really enjoyed it. We had them sing to Eric for his birthday and they gave him a volcano ice cream creation that was delicious. Cooper had some ice cream for the first time--and of course, he loved it! We really got to rest more than we thought we would so it was a great time! Here are the pics:

Cooper had his 6 month check-up. He is growing well-19 lbs 16 oz. He got a healthy report. And he started sitting up this same week. And this week, he started CRAWLING!! We have to watch out now--we have two mobile children. He is also cutting 2 more teeth on the top and it won't be long before 2 more come in. Fun, fun, fun!

We had a little birthday celebration for Eric's 30th birthday on his birthday-May 31st. The surprise was that Eric's parents and brother and sister came up for the party. They made huge effort to be here-they drove from Montgomery and back in one night-whew! I know that meant alot to Eric though. Here are a few pics!

We went to Winder, GA the first weekend of June to celebrate my mom's 50th birthday. We had a really good time minus the scrapes and bruises :) As you can see, you are never too old to be a kid again! Happy Birthday Mom!

Cooper started clapping this day-it was so cute! Mom and her sister-in-law were hilarious trying to get him to clap!

Visiting Jeremy at his new apartment pool

Gavin enjoyed VBS at our church the first week of June--Game Day Central. I don't have many pictures from this, but he had a wonderful time!! Thanks to his awesome teachers Andrea and Charity!

On the way to the beach, we stopped in Montgomery and ate dinner with dad for Father's day. We had a great visit. Here are a few pics:

We also stopped on our way to visit Eric's grandmother at her new assisted living home. She seems to be doing real well!

On to the beach, what a great, relaxing week! We stayed in a beach house with Eric's family and it sure was nice to have help with the boys. Big news of the week was that Gavin learned to swim all by his self--no floaties! He is a good little swimmer. They both definately preferred the pool over the beach. I, on the other hand, had a wonderful time on the beach! Cooper pretty much stayed in and slept most of the time. I didn't want to leave considering it took me until Tuesday of the vacation to wind down.

Whew-I will continue with our journey on our next post. This took a while to do with all the pictures! Hope all is well with everyone! Until next time.....